Custom Tokens

Details about our Custom Hardwood Tokens, reach out if the preferred option is not available.

  • Modified Premade Design

    There are no extra fees for our designs that are already completed or for text. Feel free to combine them with any existing options, add text to one side, or combine a Premade Design on one side and a new design (or your design) on another side.

    You can browse our already completed designs in the shop and at the bottom of this page.

  • Your Design

    If you wish to provide a custom design it must be a black and white image, preferably of vector format. We will take that image and scale it down to the token size/shape and then modify it as necessary so it will be engraved properly. Any changes and final proof before making tokens will be coordinated with you.

    There is a one-time fee per design, price is based on the intricacies of the design.

    Future orders with the same design will not incur a fee.

  • New Design by us

    There is no design fee for text or images for standard in production games, only new single use custom images! The fee per design is dependent on the request itself (complexity, re-usability, etc).

    Future orders with the same design will not incur a fee.

  • Materials


    • Cherry & Maple


    • Walnut

    Two Materials

    • Any Wood 1/4" or greater thickness only


    • Contact Us
  • Sizes

    • Tiny - 0.590 (15mm)
    • Small - 0.79 inch (20mm)
    • Standard - 1.18 inch (30mm)
    • Large - 1.5 inch (40mm)
    • X-Large - 1.96 inch (50mm)
    • Enormous - 2.36 inch (60mm)
    • Other - Contact Us
  • Shapes

    Round shapes are standard, anything else contact us.

  • Thickness

    • Thin - 1/8 inch (3.175mm)
    • Standard - 1/4 inch (6.35mm)
    • Thick - 1/2 inch (12.7mm)
    • Other - Contact Us
  • Edge Profiles

    All Sizes

    • 30degree Single Bevel
    • 30degree Double Bevel
    • Straight

    30mm+ Sizes

    (Standard or greater thickness only)

    • 60degree Single Bevel
    • 60degree Double Bevel

    Not Listed

    • Contact Us.
  • # of engraved Sides

    • Single Sided


    • Double Sided
  • Color Option 1: Paint

    I use High pigment Acrylic paint to paint each engraving before the final finishing process.

    • 1 color per side
    • Extra charge for White, Yellow and Red depending on surface area being covered.
    • Can be combined with Color Option 2 & 3 on opposite sides, can sometimes be combined with Color Option 2 on the same side
  • Color Option 2: Laser

    Laser Engraved is light brown to black depending on the length of burn and wood selection.

    This is the most economical of all choices, on really dark woods like Walnut it's almost invisible.

    • Can be combined with Color Option 1 or 3 on opposite sides, can sometimes be combined with Color Option 1 on the same side
  • Color Option 3: Infill

    An Inlay created from a custom mixture of various wood dust and putty. This creates a flat surface with the design.

    • Walnut(Brown/Red)
    • Cherry(Red/Brown)
    • Ebony(Black)
    • Maple(Yellow/White)
    • Birch(Off White)

    Can combine Color Option 2 & 3 on opposite sides.

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